Coming Alive
When I traveled through Spain and Israel a few weeks ago, I came alive. There is a vibe there that feels AWAKE. People seem more human. People are talking and laughing and connecting through very late...
View ArticleToxic Crap in a Movie Rejecting Toxic Crap
I was watching the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, because I needed an injection to keep me going on my juice fast. Today is Day 5, and I hit a rough patch. Although I was euphoric in the morning....
View ArticleBedtime Depression
When I go to sleep and when I wake up, I am vulnerable. That’s when I descend into sadness and depression – rooted in the profound grief I feel over the unresolved relationship with my dad. I had such...
View ArticleSnippets of Dad
These are a few snippets of life growing up with my father: The Boat Ride When I was 14, my dad asked me to go boating with him in the Delta. I felt so happy and special to have one-on-one time with my...
View ArticlePickup Trucks, Bullies, and Consequences
I was heading east on the busy street near my home. I stopped at the red light and put on my right turn signal. I began turning. When I was midway through the turn, I heard someone slamming on a horn....
View ArticleDumb Cat Owners
My letter to a neighbor tonight. It’s amazing how people shirk their responsibilities. I did not even touch upon the dander dance with my clothing and purse. Dude, it’s a major fucking hassle to have...
View ArticleGetting Triggered
I am amazed by the presumptuous and otherwise invasive things that people do in the holistic health world. I recall one evening at a dance jam in San Francisco, purportedly a magnet for the mindful...
View ArticlePoint-Blank Invasive Questions Are Not OK
I went to a Thai restaurant with my BFF and his other BFF. Exiting the restaurant, we were faced with one of the busiest streets in the city, with four lanes of traffic whizzing by at 50+ mph, two...
View ArticleWhen the Demons Swirl
Last night, I called my mom to say hello before going to sleep. I had just had a terrific band rehearsal, and I was excited to share my experience with her. My mom and I are very close, and we talk at...
View ArticleMy Epic Sister Saga
Last night, when I called my mom and said, “It’s your daughter calling,” she asked, “Which daughter?” Innocuous-sounding enough on the face of it. However, given that I easily speak with my mom as...
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