Tonight I found out that a friend’s friend became anorexic as a form of self-mutilation. I’m calling her Jane. Jane does not have money for treatment, and our American medical system is so damn set on helping people heal, that they turned this woman, desperate for help, away from treatment – effectively sentencing her to death. She is a young woman and CAN be saved, but she needs our help.
If you can help in any way, please email .
This gmail account I created will be accessible by my friend and her friend (Jane). Please send links to resources for free treatment, or if you want to send her money, you can email directly and figure out how to get it to her while protecting her anonymity. You can also send letters of support, love, and encouragement. And if you survived and recovered from anorexia, you can share your inspirational journey back to wellness.
We’re all in this together. Let’s help each other out, however we can.
By the way, please do not leave a comment here. I get so much spam, I have stopped reading or approving comments altogether.